Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hello there!

Welcome to Tomorrow People!

This blog will explore, as it says at the top of the blog header, “The forces, ideas, and technologies creating the people of the future.” The people of the future: Tomorrow’s people.

So who are the Tomorrow People? Simply put they are us. Today’s consumers who are making the choices that will change them and others into tomorrow’s people. The Tomorrow People are the rising number of American teens who are putting off getting a driver’s license as soon as possible, and as a result are changing 50 years of adolescent culture. Tomorrow People are the Swedish couple deciding to have a child, despite not being married, further legitimizing their post-nuclear family lifestyle. The poor women in Bangladesh buying Western beauty products in single servings, putting them on the road to a new consumer lifestyle are Tomorrow People. And the African fisherman, who uses his new mobile phone to shop around for the best prices at the market before bringing in his catch, is one of the Tomorrow People.

I hope that I will enlighten, intrigue, perhaps infuriate, and certainly entertain you.

Thanks for coming along for the ride.